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186 Port Said St, Sporting Alexandria - Egypt

Mineral Exploration Project Generation
ARCHEAN offers has evolved as an innovative, driven and successful project generator for zinc-lead, copper-nickel and gold.
As a project generator, ARCHEAN continues developing a portfolio of projects via independent generative work and also through existing and new cooperative partnerships.
Project generator services focus on:
- Developing strong geological concepts and greenfield exploration concepts from desktop to drilling for exploration-mining companies
- Private start-up ventures across a wide commodity spectrum
- Permit and license acquisition and management
- Royalty groups and Option agreement with a Partner
- Full comprehension and summary of the geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest
- Database development of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information
- Data processing related studies
- Recommendations for further work include the protection of prospective ground under relevant licensing procedures, and/or applications for exploration licenses for specific target areas