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186 Port Said St, Sporting Alexandria - Egypt

Target Generation
ARCHEAN excels in target generation studies for clients’ existing exploration projects. We have a successful track-record in conceptualizing new exploration targets for inclusion in custom exploration property portfolios. Our clients include exploration and mining companies themselves, as well as investors.
Whether this is for a project that has had no exploration activities yet, and where data is restricted to remote sensing, large-scale geophysical data, and large-scale geological maps, or, for a project that has numerous drill holes in it, but where the overall picture is not clear enough to understand the best locations for the next drill hole, our consultants will use modern techniques, including 3D geological models and prospectivity models to generate a list of the best targets.
We can prepare simple target ranking schemes that allow systematic exploration, linked back with sensible budgets and project planning, or, we can prepare extensive matrices that include a variety of aspects that affect prospectivity and create a dynamic system where data are constantly updated and revised, and exploration programmes adjusted to make sure that the best targets always being worked on as a priority.
Our understanding of orebody formation mechanisms and distribution within wide-ranging geological and tectonic settings enhances orebody searches and has benefitted greenfield, brownfield, and resource expansion projects.
- Detailed to regional-scale geological mapping
- Structural geology and alteration analysis (including drill core and surface exposures)
- Mineral system analysis and orebody modelling
- 3D geological modelling
- Regional exploration potential assessment
- Exploration modelling
- Conceptual targeting
- Commodity or country specific targeting
- Country or regional metallogeny
- Ground truthing and staking
- Target report and work programme recommendations
Our work focuses on the full comprehension and summarising of the geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest. Through subsequent data capture we build databases of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information.
Iterative processing and synthesis of these data form the basis of target generation studies for the commodities of interest, into suitable mineralizing systems/models. Recommendations for further work include the protection of prospective ground under relevant licensing procedures, and/or applications for exploration licenses for specific target areas.
ARCHEAN representatives are available to discuss the needs of any type of exploration project requirement.