Diversity Policy

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This policy applies to all ARCHEAN employees and directors.


Diversity – similarities and differences, including visual and non-visual, amongst employees including their individual backgrounds, different cultures, skills, experiences and perspectives. Diversity encompasses differences in ethnicity, gender, age, sexual preference, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, political or religious belief.


ARCHEAN is committed to equal opportunity employment for all people regardless of any personal attributes such as cultural background, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual preference, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, level of education, political or religious beliefs, or any other area of potential difference.

As a result of our equal opportunity approach, ARCHEAN’s workforce consists of people with diverse cultures, values and backgrounds. Our competitive advantage is reliant on the quality and skills of our people. ARCHEAN values this equal opportunity approach and recognises that our company benefits through the innovation, ingenuity, capabilities, and opportunities that this brings.

We will continue to be focused on the importance of equality within the workplace. Hiring will be based on the best person for the job in respect of abilities and qualifications. Advancement will be based upon merit and performance, and not based upon defined targets or on artificial quotas.

ARCHEAN’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy will continue to facilitate diversity at all levels of the group and reinforce the importance of equality in the workplace.

This commitment will be supported through:

appointing, training, developing and promoting on the basis of merit and ability alone.

promoting the awareness of diversity principles and the company’s values.

actions, policies, processes and systems which encourage workplace diversity.

providing employees with the opportunity to maximise their potential and enhance their professional development and contribution to the organisation.